The third instalment of such an exciting series of books takes us beneath the streets of London this time, through the underground stations and the secret labyrinth of tunnels interconnected, revealing a whole new clandestine world beneath our feet.
It is so hard to predict exactly where the author is heading with the overarching story of wizardry and mayhem, as the sub-world of magic and mysticism, goblins, ghosts and the ever present gods and magnificent goddesses grows with each book. And my enjoyment grows with them.
These are essentially fantasy novels, but deliver so much more. The ongoing collisions between the real world and the 'alternate' forces that struggle to coexist alongside us mere mortals covers so many different genres of fiction. The crimes taking place and the detective strand, alongside the gothic presence of the Folly and its Practitioners, together with the magical creatures and entities they encounter, mixed up with the comedy and calamity that takes place, all underpinned with the historical facts and folklore of London itself each contribute to the enjoyment of every book.
These novels are pure escapism at it maddest! See All Things Bookish for an article about my recent conversation with the author.